Thursday, 3 May 2012

Our Creative Space...

Today first the telefone line went and with it Internet, and than the electricity went and still no Internet, of course. We had withdrawal symptoms and went into the sewing room with a vengance.

Several new bags are in the making, for so far it can be done without power.

Pretty, isn't it?

Poor Estella is plodding along undeterred by her collar, what a trooper!

See more creative spaces at Our Creative Spaces.


  1. Oh Estella that's GREAT (and hard!) work!!!!!
    Get well soon!!!!
    Big (((((HUGS)))))!!!!!!!

  2. Estella, dear, get well soon! We love all of your bags, especially the big ones!

  3. Estella what happen to you?
    The space is amazing,

    Kiss to you both and get well

  4. And this is why I love my sewing machine so much - it doesn't need power you see!
