Monday, 27 February 2012

Monday Moodboard

1. EllaGajewskaBridal  2. felttess  3. softadditions  4. bonzie

No, no, no, do not get this moodboard the wrong way :) It is just that we have been working on some custom wedding pieces this weekend which let me realize that wedding season is coming and that many brides are now prepairing their special day.

Wishing you a wonderful Monday!

RULES: Feature your fellow EuropeanStreetTeam mates by making a mosaic. You can add your link here so that others can see it! Please only add your link if the mosaic features Team mates!

Please link back to this blogpost so that everyone can check the other Monday Moodboards.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Another Kind of Creativity

This winter is colder than usual. Not really cold compared to most places, but still. The puppers are cold and need clothes. With twelve dogs in house we cannot afford to buy them cute dresses. We got a japanese book on dog clothes, but they are terribly fiddly, with lots of details and small parts, nothing that can be done in a pinch.

The smaller dogs all get 'onesies' from the sleaves of old pullowers. The hand opening is the neck opening, two holes for the legs and ric rac to finish.

Toffee is a lot bigger, so he needs the body of a pullower. Neck through the opening and cut to fit!

It is a boy, so the front has to be shorter to keep it dry :)

He is a very patient boy.

What about a hood?

And no ric rac, being a man and all, but nice tresses to finish it off. We afterwards discovered that he doesn't like red, and was looking very sad. He is now wearing a grey one, Ideefix did like the red one though :) It is not easy to keep all kids happy.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Monday Moodboard

1. valeriatelier  2. MyMonography  3. MilleGrudicarta  4. LaLaFelt

Still a bit in a seashore mood, we went for a big treasure hunt a few days ago, my body still hurts everywhere from all the climbing, bending over and super exercise :)

Wishing you a wonderful Monday!

RULES: Feature your fellow EuropeanStreetTeam mates by making a mosaic. You can add your link here so that others can see it! Please only add your link if the mosaic features Team mates!

Please link back to this blogpost so that everyone can check the other Monday Moodboards.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Our Creative Space...

New clocks are in progress, I love to play with the idea!
At the moment I'm testing for the numbers, trying different kind of fun solutions.

But nothing beats the wonderful look of the driftwood, impossible to remake!

Found some old pansion door numbers, going to look fun for a clock :)

And after spending hours and hours of foiling limpet shells and puzzling them together and soldering them all...

A seashore candle light was born, love the result, If I may say so...

You can see more details of it here.

See more creative spaces at Our Creative Spaces.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Monday Moodboard

A calm monday morning... before the after-weekend rush begins :)

Wishing you a creative Monday!

RULES: Feature your fellow EuropeanStreetTeam mates by making a mosaic. You can add your link here so that others can see it! Please only add your link if the mosaic features Team mates!

Please link back to this blogpost so that everyone can check the other Monday Moodboards.

Sunday, 12 February 2012


Finally the pictures I have been promising for 2 weeks!
You can see here my mother's old bedroom, it is not her room anymore :) The wall you see here on the left connects to the wall to our sewing room, and that wall is now gone.

Just breaking a wall seems like a little operation, but eventually is alot of work, mess and brings some complications.

About 60 large bags of garbage came out of it.

The entire house was in dust and a huge mess as we had to empty two rooms at once (the sewing room and my mother's room).

And that all to break a little wall...

Extra detail number one: two rooms becoming one, means two doors, which means less wall, so one door had to go.

Detail number 2: the ceilings are entirely different, one is white and the other is woodworked.

The first problem is almost solved, one door is gone.

And plastered.
Also an electrician has fixed the electricity as some lines were going through that wall.

The floors are connected with tiles, luckely both rooms have the same tiles.

Then we painted the wooden ceiling white, which makes the room much lighter and the difference of the two ceilings not so obvious.

After also painting the walls, we could finally collect all the stuff of the house back to the sewing room.

In the mean time we also had to arrange my mothers room, the whole house has been put upside down to say the least but we will spare you all the details and will only show you the sewing room :) The other side of the closed door had to be painted as well and alot of things had to change in the entire house.

Organizing and reorganizing...

And we now have a spacious sewing room...

A comfortable chair for knitting and going through books etc.

A place to iron the fabrics.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Anyone wants some vintage kilims?

After our renovation we are now cleaning up the house. We came across these pieces of vintage kilims.

They are hand woven and pretty old, some bags or something else fun could be made out of it but it is not really our style, so we are looking for someone who would love these!

There are 10 pieces and they are almost 2 kilo's together, shipping is for you (should be around 20$) and it is yours! We can also split it in 2 or more if more people are interested!
Just leave a comment with a place where we can contact you, we hope to find a new home for these!
We washed them so they are completly clean and ready to use in your creative project :)