Friday, 24 February 2012

Another Kind of Creativity

This winter is colder than usual. Not really cold compared to most places, but still. The puppers are cold and need clothes. With twelve dogs in house we cannot afford to buy them cute dresses. We got a japanese book on dog clothes, but they are terribly fiddly, with lots of details and small parts, nothing that can be done in a pinch.

The smaller dogs all get 'onesies' from the sleaves of old pullowers. The hand opening is the neck opening, two holes for the legs and ric rac to finish.

Toffee is a lot bigger, so he needs the body of a pullower. Neck through the opening and cut to fit!

It is a boy, so the front has to be shorter to keep it dry :)

He is a very patient boy.

What about a hood?

And no ric rac, being a man and all, but nice tresses to finish it off. We afterwards discovered that he doesn't like red, and was looking very sad. He is now wearing a grey one, Ideefix did like the red one though :) It is not easy to keep all kids happy.


  1. Way too cute - oh that is a cuddle-able pup!

  2. LOL:))))
    I'm not sure if he look happy star:)))

  3. Haha, look how he patiently sits and waits there. Too sweet :)

  4. haha! cuteness!!
    Your dog now look extremely fashionable :D

    And how on earth did you know he didn't like red??

  5. How sweeeet!!!!! And your model is really cute and... patient! :)

  6. HaHa :) So funny and what a patient chap! I had to make a sweater for our Shar-pei, as he gets older he is prone to pneumonia he now just needs carpet slippers...any ideas?

  7. Oh Estella, he's a gorgeous pup, and just love the outfit! Amazed you have 12 dogs in the house - how on earth do you manage taking them all for walks?!

  8. What a lovely and patient dog and a cool outfit.

  9. You both are the best mommies! That's a lot of clothes for you to make. How lucky all your doggies are!

  10. Poor puppies, this winter has been super cold all over Europe, I am glad you found such a clever solution.

    It is warming up now, I hope they won't need their pillovers for much longer...

  11. This is so fun post. And the puppy is so patient. Cannot imagine my brothers doggie to sit and model for a sweater-she wouldnot wear it anyway. I think you should tell him red really suits him, maybe he changes his mind :)))
