Thursday, 19 May 2016

Dissecting a Faucet

For years we have this beautiful brass faucet. Due to some damages not usable as a faucet it was begging to become a Steampunk lamp.

After a thorough internet search by mum we had beautiful wiring, socket and plug and also scored a heavy cast iron feet where the faucet fits perfectly in.

I sawed off the attached copper pipes and had to completely put all pieces apart of the faucet to be able to wire it. It was quite funny to see the anatomy (hence the title with dissecting)  of the faucet. I had to make it worse before it could get better.
After the plumbing lessons I also had some electricity lessons (yaay for youtube) and finished the awesome ( if I may say so) Steampunk lamp.

The cast iron foot was a perfect fit, the lamp is heavy (4.4 kg - 9 lb 7 oz) making it very stable.

It is funny it took ages but not the making of it more collecting the parts and also I thought I would need an electrician but turns out it was easy to do it myself.

Now that I know that I can handle it and always can ask dear YouTube for help there might appear some more lamps in the near future :)

The lamp is available in our StarHomeStudio shop, right now it has an USA plug but that can be changed to another Country's system :)


  1. This is so cool how the lamp turned out! Have to say, upgrading old object, you do a pretty good job at it! There's an old shop here in Porto and every time I pass by it, I have to think of your chairs. One day I'll pass you a picture :-)

  2. This lamp is perfect. Love your homeware pieces.

  3. I must admit I do have a crash on lamps that is made of recycled pipes and bibs-and-bobs, this one included. .....God bless the internet! :)

  4. The ULTIMATE steampunk lamp...

  5. Such an awesome lamp! It would look great in a show room!

  6. This lamp looks really amazing! You are so talented!

  7. Really cool! I like the new ideas you guys have for the decor shop so I'm always anxious to see what's next!
