Thursday, 21 August 2008

Knock, knock, knock... who's at the door?

Every summer gets here a bit hotter than the one before. Creatures living in the hills cannot find any water and descend to the town. Three times now we have found one or two turtles at our garden gate. Do they feel that in this house two animal lovers live? Do they communicate with the dogs in the yard who tell them this is the best place in town?

It must be something like that, because this little one has been here three times, waiting for us to come home.

We give him/her a dish of water and letucce.

It drinks and eats, and than desappears again, surprisingly swift, till the next visit...


  1. aw... cute indeed

    here we have tiny frogs (about 2 to 4 cm)

  2. OOH, so cute!
    I wish I had visitors like this turtle, but I only have spiders and grashoppers! :-)

  3. You lucky girls! Such a sweet visitor :-)

  4. Supercute! And so exotic! Don't think we have free living turtles in Austria... :)

  5. oh I love that ! what a cutie ! we do have sometimes a hedgehog in our garden...

  6. so cute little turtle!
    And they are easy to take photo at, I dont think I can be fast enough to take pics on the deers and elks who we have around here :)

  7. Can I buy one of those on Etsy? Wow, is he ever cute!

  8. Hehe
    it's the same at my parent's place, there is a small river at the back of the garden, and turtles sometimes come from there to the house :-)
    Frogs too ;o)

  9. Supe cute! What nice visitors you have! :)

  10. At the little pond near my house people abandon turtles who have grown too much and perhaps start to if you look at the water you can see their little head poking out..but as soon as you get too close, they hide..they didn't have good experience with humans..So sad!
