Tuesday 26 August 2008

Lovely Package

A while back I was again lucky to win a give away, this time at Fleurfatale's blog. I won a beautiful handmade booklet with gorgeous paper and a great eye for detail.

Beside the book, the packaging was really smashing reminds me again that packaging is almost as important as the inside of it! I can imagine that Fleurfatale is also doing a great job in packaging her lovely jewelry! Thank you Fleur, I love it!


  1. Oh you are so lucky Estella! I never win anything ... and I'd have loved to win that nice goodies, looks great!

  2. Hey Star, I hope you like the little book, I wish I had time to make more of them...

    Glad you liked it!

  3. You lucky girl!

  4. This does look like the loveliest of packages! You were so fortunate!

  5. Ooohhh, how pretty and delicate!
