Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Istanbul Day 1

Yes, we are in Istanbul! Finally a little vacation we have been wanting for a while. The main reason that we went in January instead of May, when the weather is better, is the exibition of Salvador Dali . We arrived last night and are staying in this lovely hotel in the old cetrum(Marmaris-Istanbul is a 12 hour car drive or 1 hour plane flight, we went by plane). Went to the exibition today.

The nice part of this exibition is that they are not showing the famous paintings we already know but hundreds of his sketches which are not known at all.

Pictures are alowed but too many to take pictures of all the drawings and sketches, but this hall was so nice because it was like his famous painting had become real.

Art can relax a person, and some people relax a little too much, like this guy who became one with the art around him :)

There where also photographs of Dali taken by the Turkish photograph Ara Güler.

On the way back to the hotel we got a little lost, which is very normal here in the city of a population of about 17 million. Here you see the Hagia Sophia, looks magical in the evening.

And Sultan Ahmet another famous mosque and close to the hotel we are staying in.

In the garden of Sultan Ahmet we saw this amazing tree, the tree it self had no leaves left but the hedera grew so much, that the tree got a new blanket.

Aaaaah we found it! And look what we bought in the gift shop of the museum! A book of the exibition, a DVD of Salvador Dali.....

....and look at my sexy Dali Lips earrings!

Don't I look sexy??? Hi hi :)

More adventures tomorrow...


  1. Oh you lucky bunnies! To be in the best city in the world and go see one of the most amazing artists works, I am only a tinyteeny bit green..

  2. what a wonderful time you have had today! the exhibition looks nothing short of incredible. The park trees look so old ... I love your hot lip earrings too :D

    keep on enjoying that trip!

  3. Ssssssssssupersssssssexy you look with these lips :)
    I't love to visit that exhibition too. Am as green as Inger!

    Enjoy your trip and let us see more!

  4. welcome to Turkey,Istanbul.. Istanbul is a huge city and has lots of places you should see.. i'm waiting tomorrow post:)

  5. Lots of adventure in Istanbul! Enjoy, it's such a lively city! Of course Dali isn't bad either! And Hot Lips!

  6. The view seem so familiar!

    haahh! Dali lips are way too sexy! :D

  7. Looks like a great exhibition and like a beautiful city...I have never been there. Looking forward to hearing and seeing more.
    Have a great time, Star!

  8. Wooaahh, I'm totally jealous now! But you both deserve it! You've had an incredible busy year so you better enjoy this holiday to the fullest!
    Were you trying to kiss the camera or acting sexy? LOL :)

  9. oh so funny to read about your trip ! quite envious about that Dali exhibition. And those lips are gorgeous ! (yours too)

  10. What a wonderful exhibition, and a beautiful hotel! I am in love with the leaf-less tree and what a sweet picture of you sporting your new "lips"!

  11. sounds like you had a magical day, esp. with salvador dali! Enjoy Istanbul and it's on my list of places to visit (i was there when i was 16 or so, so almost 20 years ago!) so please share many tips :):):) And have fun!!!!

  12. I love Dalí!I don't know if you ever seen his "museum-houses" here in Spain..they are magical!
    And one day I wish I visit Istambul and the rest of Turkey...enjoy your holiday!
