Thursday, 15 October 2009

Our Creative Space...

This week's creative space involves again natural finds, isn't nature a great supplier?!
We are prepairing our entry of the challenge of the EuropeanStreetTeam, this week's theme is 'Back to Nature'. I saved these finds from our garden a few weeks ago and the challenge has been a perfect excuse to finally make use of them.

After cleaning them up we treated them with epoxy to preserve their beauty.

They are now hanging to dry before we can use them for some very natural jewelry!

You can see more workspaces at Kootoyoo's blog!


  1. i can't wait to see wwhat you make!

  2. That in itself is already a cool piece of art :-D

  3. WOW! Can't wait to see the new creations!

  4. these... whatever they are... are beautiful !! really curious to see how you're going to use them in jewelry... or bags... or supplies, or... :) ?

  5. There's always something really interesting in your space. I'm looking forward to seeing what these become.

  6. oooh, they look very exciting - I am very courious of the outcome!

  7. wow, those are some wonderful natural supplies. Now I am dying of curiosity!!!

  8. They look very interesting! Will check back soon:)

  9. I am curious what they are and what you plan to do with them. Whatever you create with them will be a amazing for sure! :)

  10. I'm looking forward to seeing the completed project. Nature can do amazing things.

  11. I totally agree about nature's greatest gifts! Beautiful creation and cannot wait to see what you come up with.

  12. fab i like them on their little trees with pegs like that too !!

  13. wow, really creative :) want to see the outcome on the jewelry

  14. very interesting!! What kind of plant/flower/seeds are they?

  15. Oh wow! These are so beautiful! What amazing things you find in your garden. Really looking forward to seeing your creations with them :) K

  16. After living in Australia for six years, I definitely am familiar with these! In our backyard we had several melaleuca trees, and this is their fruit.

  17. Also, I wanted to say that you have lovely lovely ideas and products, including this one. I'm a great fan!
