Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Flickr Favorites- Cars

1. Ford Monterey Car and Hot Rod Show Tualatin, Oregon ~ 6625C, 2. 1964 Ford Ranchero, Classic Cars at Bob's Big Boy, 3. UK - Oxon - Blenheim Car Show - Classic Ford, 4. mossy Ford car

By the time you see this mosaic we will be in our old Ford (no classic, just old) on our way to İzmir. We will be there for a few days to catch up our breath, tons of supply shopping, IKEA and a little fun :)
We might not be able to blog those days, but will be back at the end of the week!

See more beautiful mosaics at ArtMind's Blog!


  1. Oh wow *turns green*
    Nothing beats supply shopping trips! :)

  2. Have fun!! What a beautiful program! I love supplies shopping and IKEA!!!

  3. Woowww I love Izmir! Happy supply shoppings :) I wish iKEA opens in Ankara :)

  4. Love vintage cars and how lucky to be going on a supply shopping trip!! Can I come to :)

  5. Waww! I love old american cars! They have original souls and they are really comfortable :) I love it!
    have a nice trip and shopping!

  6. Gosh, I'm so jealous! Have a great trip x

  7. I hope you will be having a good time and find nice new supplies!!
    I'll be making your feltedropes soon, promissed!

  8. Oh I love old cars!!!I fin them much more stylish than the modern ones!
    Supply shopping and Ikea shopping....green from envy!!!! :)
