Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Introducing: Bibi

You all know that we have many dogs, and we thought that it would be nice if we introduce them to you one at the time.

This is Bibi, our oldest dog, or, at least the dog that has been the longest with us, since we don't know the age of many of our dogs.

Estella found her on april 14th 2002, at an abandoned building site, covered in filth, ticks, with running infected eyes and hind legs that could not carry her from malnutrition. Visitors to our house found her a very ugly dog.
But, as you see, with dogs is as with people, when they are loved, they become beautiful!

She was very afraid and tense, but all that is over now and she is the cuddliest, most loving little dog that you can imagine, with deligthful smelling paws and strong, healthy legs.
Before Bibi, we liked dogs, of course, but she teached us to really love them. They are like little kids, really, curious, naughty, funny and with a strong and unique personality, each one of them.

Many people are amazed at how we look after 14 dogs, and how we don't confuse their names. Even funnier is that all of them have atleast one nickname! Bibi's are Bibke, Bib-bibulishka and Pitirik :)

Next week you'll meet (crazy) Daisyof our fur family!


  1. AWWWWW!
    Thank you so much for sharing!
    Give an extra cuddle to Bibi from me!

  2. Thanks for sharing ^_^ I know what it's like with my little army of kittens, they all have lots of nicknames too :)

  3. Aw what a cutie! :) I looove the smell of doggie paws, Imma's paws smells like popcorn :D...

  4. wat een schat ! en zo leuk dat je dit nu in je blog gaat doen; love to see them all !

  5. She really is a beautiful dog. Wonderful that you two rescued her.

  6. i just had to come and say that bibi is a sweetie estella. i have cats and miss having dogs-- i can't wait to see all 15 of your lucky pups!

  7. Oh, she's absolutely lovely! :D

  8. You both are so wonderful to give so many dogs a loving home! how lucky Bibi was to find you!

  9. isn't she just so precious Estella!!! she was truly lucky to have found you and you her!
    I love her golden fur and her warm eyes, truly a beautiful gem :)
    thank you SO much for saving her and giving her the best home in the world - that filled with love, happiness and hope!

  10. Oh how sweet your Bibi is!!!! She was SO SO lucky to meet you, but you are lucky too, as she is giving you so much love!!! Animals are the most precious creatures! Mu sweet beloved kitty's nickname is Bibi :), although her real name is Zoe! I adopted her as a homeless kitten in 2003 from just opposite of where you girls live: Rhodes :)!!
    Looking forward to meet each and every one of your precious furry family members!

  11. Lovely, silky and curly. I love spaniels, and Bibi is particularly charming.
