Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Life and Sport

It looks like life is back to normal again, Blogger is back they removed the block. We are actually surprised as YouTube has been blocked for months (still is).
As we had the feeling it will never come back we got into a blog-block our selves and with this post we are going to get rid of that!

This spring the municipality of our little town built a park but very different than usual. It is a sport park, where you can find all kind of fitness machines, and free to use for everyone.

The location is on the side of one of the main roads, so traffic passes by while you work out but with a lovely green view of the mountains.

We never thought that anyone would use it, but the Turkish desperate housewives seem to be very desperate to loose some weight and many get up early to do some work outs!

And we? I would love to say that we get up early every morning to work out for an hour...

The truth is these pictures are from a few months ago, after 5 minutes mum run away...

and never went back....


  1. hhehheeeehhehehhe lovely !!!!!

    i would too !!!

    only swimming poool for me !!!


  2. Yayy for the lifted ban!

    I would love to have these playthings in my backyard though...

  3. Haha, so funny! I'm afraid I would run away too! :)

  4. Good to have you back!
    I have to say that your mum's outfit was not the right one to use those machines...!!.but anyway I think is a good idea..probably here in Spain would be popular!

  5. I would LOVE to have a park like that! I would use it every day!

  6. Heheee,we have these same machines near us with a lake view and I used them last spring more than 2 weeks.Wow! It was good for a while and actually I've been thinking to start again, but why it is sooo hard to start....

  7. What a great idea for a public park!

    Glad you've got Blogger back!
