Friday, 13 February 2009

Little Sister

I was starting to run out of subjects for Friday Findings and had been thinking about something new that I could investigate and share every week, and I think I found it :)
People (including me) are often curious about little things. Especially now that we are all alot in cyber world we often do not know a lot of things of people we talk to, daily. Not a suprise that the TV program 'Big Brother', where you could watch people day and night, was such a huge success.
I'm not going to be Big Brother, but I do want to find out and share tiny little pieces of peoples lifes, all of them will be connected to the Etsy community, world wide.
To start with something welcoming and warm, I sneaked in to 4 different bedrooms from different places of the world....

Devi of Glasfaden makes gorgeous unique jewelry of felt and lampwork beads, not the average things you see daily. She also has a passion for photography and shares her pictures often in her photography blog, besides her other blog. She sings in a chore and has a 'normal' job too, busy girl.
She lives in Germany with her son and has moved in to a new house a few months back and has been renovating and decorating ever since. Her bedroom is not finnished yet, it might take a while as she likes to do it right and slowly. Devi descripes her room as 'You can see that it looks more like a studio than a bedroom or maybe like a student's room? Well, I always think, if a bedroom is there to sleep only.. what a waste!! So it is actually my sewing and drawing room, as well as my wool inventory room with a corner to sleep. Later on it will be my beading room too - at the moment I'm doing it in the dining room. :)'


So who is the owner of this -jealous making beautiful- bedroom? Charmaine aka High Desert Diva has two big passions, the first is her Interior Designing bussines and secondly Vintage, no worries she does love her husband (who is a very talented metal smith), cat and dog too :)!
Charmaine moved with her husband to High Desert of Central Oregon, USA, and made of a trailer a dream house, with their own bare hands and very hard work, you can read their story and more pictures at her blog.
Their trailer became so beautiful that it has been professionally photographed by Philip Clayton-Thompson of Blackstone Edge Studios, as part of her portfolio.


Inger aka IngerMaaike makes gorgeous felt creations and felt toys.
She, her husband, 3 sons and 2 dogs recently moved from the Netherlands to Norway, and has been one of the luckiest persons ever since.
Houses in Norway are mostly made of wood as there is so much of it. You can see that outside the window that they have lots and lots of snow. I noticed a gun in the corner and of course had to ask about that, imagining wild bears attacking them, but it is a very old airgun, they practice with at summer time (on painted targets, not animals).
Their tiny bedroom is just enough she says, nice and cozy and enough room for their bed and a tv, the art photographs on the wall are of MatchStickGirl, they are each others huge fans.


Speaking of MatchStickgirl, owned by Frances. J. Melhop, I sneaked in her bedroom too.
Frances, originally from New Zealand, lives in the fashion town Milan, Italy. She is a very talented professional fashion photographer and has recently been chosen as one of the worlds 200 best add photographers by LUERZERS ARCHIVE 2008/2009.
She also has another shop for her open editioned works at EnchantedPond.
As she is used to the wild open nature life in New Zealand, she often finds Milan too small and crowded, but her little apartment is her way to escape from that world and live in her own, when she is in Milan. She says she likes it because:
'It's nice and warm and packed with my things...all the things I love ...
I need more rooms like this :D but for the moment as a transient photographer on the move it is a nice little nest to come back to.'
You can find some fairytales and gorgeous photographs at her blog too.

Next peeks, next week!
Thank you Devi, Charmaine, Inger and Frances for sharing your photographs and little bits of your lifes!


  1. Wow! I like to see houses! Great features & work!

  2. :) another great idea... I like your "BB" Friday and these 4 very different yet super cozy bedrooms.

  3. eheeee ...thanks Star ...i like this new sneaky peek very much !!!!!!!

  4. Great to peek into other bedrooms! :)

  5. How very cool the way you have made it into a fun story! I love sneaking into all these lives :-D

  6. Woww Star... great idea!!! thanks to your great posts I will feel like a little sister too... and you know that, as an architect, I love to much to admire houses and interior design!!! lovely to peek into your bedrooms girls!!!

  7. that was very fun! thank you all for sharing

  8. This is so fun to read and to see how people are living :)

  9. Fun idea, Star! Now even more to look forward to on Friday! :)

  10. This was great. All so different and unique. Thanks for asking me to be part of your new feature!

  11. oh that was sooo interesting! I love seeing how people I only now virtually live :) Can't wait for next Friday!

  12. Really fun! Love to seeing how people live behind the screen! Great job! ^.^ and thank you very much for you four lovely ladies sharing your sweet bedrooms.

  13. Thank you for asking me, Star! :) So fun to see other people's bedrooms. Can't wait to read what you will show us next week. xoxo

  14. very very interesting post star!

  15. Greetings! came over from Desert Diva's site for a visit.

    YOU are an incredible photographer. Great set-ups and staging. Loved what you featured and Desert Diva's bedroom is my favorite. I LOVE her use of color. I'll be back. Drop over to my place anytime for a bit of a chuckle.

    Warmest Regards!

  16. Devi's looks really fresh and clean. I love it!
    Charmaine's is totally luxury! But sweet!
    Ingers's is very cozy!
    Frances' is so romantic!
    They are all so different!

  17. And to think, Desert Diva is almost my neighbor! Lovely feature you've started...happy weekend!

  18. Love lurking :) Great rooms, such different styles!

  19. what a fun idea!!! I'm def. coming back each week to read it :)

  20. Charmaine's bedroom is stunning. I love the photogrpahy on and writing on your blog.

    Happy Valentine's Esther and Estella!
