Wednesday, 4 February 2009


The big pointer in the picture is a girl called Zeyno. Zeyno is short for Zeynep, a turkish girls name that somehow gets asociated with wholesome, innocent village girls.

The name couldn't be more appropiate in this sense. Zeyno is 80 pounds of goodness. The small dogs use her as a matrass in winter, and despite her size, she waits patiently for all the others to feed before she takes a turn.

A friend of us found her, maybe six weeks old, trembling in terror on a night when a small earthquake ocurred here. She was tiny, I brought her home with her belly snuggly fitting the palm of my hand. She grew like overnight, we don't even have a picture of her puppy time, it happened so fast!
Big innocent Zeyno, the best natured friend, the true image of tenderness.


  1. Oh how sweet, gotta love em all!

  2. This is so lovely! your dogs are very pretty. I wish I could have dogs in my house, but my hubby forbids.

  3. Super! I used to have a Turkish apprentice at work and she was called Zeynep too. Nice to know what the name means! :)

  4. so sweet ! great pictures too; love how the little ones are lying upon/around Zeynep. I found it often that large dogs are very sweet, and small dogs can be real pesters ....

  5. What a sweet dog Zeyno must be:-)

  6. So sweet!!! Wish I have dogs too...

  7. They are so cute together! We had a spaniel when I lived with my parents, they are sweet dogs. Your pointer looks very friendly too:)


  8. how lovely! she's beautiful (as are the others)

  9. What a sweet cute doggies!

  10. How adorable! I have cats but I love doggies too.

  11. Such a sweet story!♥ ♥ ♥

  12. They are all so precious, and look so comfortable!

  13. Oow! So sweet! I wish to have a big garden(or a small one..right now I have only a terrace!)to fill it up with lots of dogs!

  14. Love your dogs!!! Also, love your blog and check daily. Thank you.
