Tuesday, 17 February 2009

I'm Hot

We have some I'm Hot earrings in the shop, and have been wanting to make necklaces with the bigger peppers. Sometimes it takes a while to find out what we want to do with a material, when I looked at the peppers once again, Dindi came on my mind. She makes great jewelry with Sterling Silver tags. So I contacted her right away and she made these awesome 'I'm Hot' tags, every thing went fast and smooth, she is perfect to work with so please check her shop!

Red hot peppers are very populair in Turkey, in one period these peppers, hot or not, become very very cheap and every household buys at least 20 kilo's to dry them and make all kind of food of them which stays good for months for the winter time when the peppers are extremly expensive. So in summer time you will see all these red peppers decorating many balconies.

A typical Turkish meal is Biber Dolması, Stuffed Peppers (paprika)
Here is the recipe to make these delicious Biber dolması:


-8 big sweet red paprika's
-400 gr of minced meat
-20 spoons of rice
-2 onions
-2 tomato's
-2 spoons of tomato's concentrate (sauce)
-2 spoons of (sweet) pepper concentrate (sauce)
-2 cloves of garlic
-2 dessert spoons of dried mint
-olive oil
-black pepper

How to make it:

Cut the onion, parsley and tomato's in tiny pieces. Wash the rice with water and then add the spices, pepper and tomato sauses and minced meat. Mix all these ingredients together (raw). Cut the tops of the red peppers and clean the inside of them (the seeds) and fill them with the mix you've made (make sure you don't fill them completly as the rice will get bigger). Put all the peppers in a pan, make sure that the tops are up so that the filling does not escape.
Add water to the pan, fill it half up, and add then a little olive oil. Let the peppers cook for 50 minutes on a medium heat stove, check if the rice is soft before you take it of the stove.
Enjoy your meal!

Recipe and picture are taken from here.


  1. Oh njummm you made me drool, love the pepper with the tag. Every EST chick should have one!

  2. You did both a great job Star, it's gorgeous!

  3. Oh my, those pepper look so yummy!

    Beautiful work!

  4. "..when I looked at the peppers .. Dindi came on my mind."
    ..I came on your mind, 'cause I'm hot, right?

  5. looks delicious! I love peppers. Yummy.

    The necklace is very fun too

  6. oh those look delicious. I love your work..I had to add you to my Noteworthy Blogs. :)
    Enjoy your day!

  7. Super!
    Love your cooperation a lot!

  8. Uhmmm, love chillies! Great pictures, thanks for sharing the recipe!

  9. I love everytrhing with pepper ! And I have my eye on those hot earrings....

  10. Wow, look delicious and thanks for sharing the recipe. Great idea "I am HOT"

  11. Your posts are always interesting Star! and this one is hot!!!!

  12. So clever quote :) Great necklace!
    Biber dolmasi is one of my fave food from Turkey. Too bad my boy didn't like it, so that I haven't made it for a while now. Time to do me a treat, eh? ;)

  13. Wow, the peppers are so scrummy and deliciously tempting. !

  14. They are both yummy - jewelry and the meal... :)

  15. Hmmm, I love stuffed peppers! Perhaps I should make some today! :)
    I also have some work of DIndi and I simply love it! SHe does a wonderful job with the tags! :)

  16. mmmmm your dolma looks yum, thats what we are having for supper tonight - my husbands favourite!
