Monday, 30 March 2009

Hair Day

Today Lucky and I went to the hairdresser...

We both left quite some hair behind...

For Lucky it is no improvement for his looks, it is just that his hair is like wool and not possible to brush so we have it trimmed twice a year. My hair hasn't been so short for 10 years, but wanted to have something different this time, it is a bit flat now because of all the brushing and drying, but after a shower it will be back to normal.


  1. You both look so charming! Love your smile :-D

  2. Oh my... Lucky does not look very pleased *lol*
    You look great, before and after! :)

  3. :) I agree, you both look great, and what a fun "double change" :)

  4. :) I agree, you both look great, and what a fun "double change" :)

  5. You guys look so pretty and happy :)

  6. You are both lovely in both photos, how lucky can you get! I love the new do!

  7. Such a fun both look lovely!

  8. You look lovely in both photo! And Lucky is unrecognizable after trimming)

  9. Beautiful new haircut!! Love it!

  10. You both look good ! Is Lucky very unlucky with the new look ? We had a poodle once and when she was cut (not in a model, but just as Lucky, very short) he always felt very insecure, went always sittng down very fast, as if he did not want to let us see his nacked back....

  11. Kraplap, in day time he is fine, the hair makes him very hot and uncomfortable so he feels relieved, but at night he feels a bit too cold so we put on a jacket :)

  12. That's the cutest "before/after" pictures ever!

  13. Beautiful new look, for both of you, but I must say that Lucky is cuter with the hair :)

  14. Ha ha!So nice and cute!Lucky must weight few kilos less!
    (..and you as well!You had soo long, and lovely great hair!)

  15. It's beautiful, Star! I love your new look! I always like it when my hair is brushed out like that!

  16. I love before and after pictures, but these are the cutest I've ever seen. You both look great!

  17. Amazing, that was quite a transformation! You are so lovely!
    ~Emily xx

  18. you both look happpy with you new haircuts. Pretty!

  19. I love both your new haircuts! Something fresh and new for spring. I like your before and after equally. I have a feeling you would look great in any hairstyle!

    I'm sure when it gets warm soon Lucky will be very grateful for his transformation. :)

  20. I like the new hairstyle...focuses us on your face instead of your hair!

  21. oh wow!!!!!!!! Lucky got a super super super short hair cute LOL and you look incredible with your new style!

  22. Love it! Looks very cool! Hope Lucky doesn't feel naked;-)

  23. I had a dog until before 2 year ago and she was ashaming after every shearing. Your dog is looking like same on the second photo as mine :)
    but you both look gorgeous
