Thursday, 3 November 2011

Our Creative Space...

An other manipulated fabric bag made with smocked gingham.

Using gingham makes the smocking very easy. I also like the clean and structured look that it creates.

And here it is : the Granny Smith bag, fresh as the apple. Will be available soon in our bagshop.
Our giveaway is still going, incase you have missed it :)

See more creative spaces at Our Creative Spaces.


  1. I can only sew straight lines. It's a miracle for me, how one can do things like that! Probably it involves some sort of Magic ...

  2. Very pretty Star, I really salute your patience in doing it!:)

  3. I love how you sculpt fabric, it's so impressive :)

  4. I definitely have to put smocking on my list to learn next year! Just beautiful!

  5. Wow, really gorgeous. Love the colour.

  6. That is just beautiful! Love the effect the pattern gives when the stitching is done!
