Thursday, 26 January 2012

Our Creative Space...

I while back I showed you our work space and told you it is a mess. You all said that it didn't look like a mess.

The thing is our workspace is light and large and you all got carried away by that :) If you look up closely it really is a clutter...

But within the clutter new collections are born, and I can't wait to the rain to stop so that I can take decent pictures of these necklaces, very happy with the results!

Our real project the past couple of weeks was a large renovation in our house. First in the living room and now we also have a much larger sewing room, which totally made the house upside down. Things are finally getting into place and soon we will show you the steps and end result of our new sewing room1

See more creative spaces at Our Creative Spaces.


  1. I seem to be reading a lot of blogs whose owners are renovating home - there must be some kind of bug in the air! Can't wait to see your new inventions - and that is just how a worktable has to look- busy and yes... cluttered.

  2. We adore your creative space and always enjoy your lovely photos of non-messiness :) :) Wishing you beautiful days!

  3. Hehe -clutter or not- I still think your workspace is gorgeous! Oh I'd love to plunge into all those treasures you have... Those multicolored beads are awesome!
    Good job with the renovating, I'm looking forward to see the results! :)

  4. Oh! You made mo so curious about your new renovated space!!!!!:-)
    Your working corner is a "creative mess", it's absolutely delightful!

  5. Your work space always inspires me , cluttered or not. :)

    Have a great weekend!
