Thursday, 22 March 2012

Our Creative Space...

This post is not about creating, but is something that we use and wanted to share with you.
To package things other than jewelry, we use old shreded paper.

Not any shredder will do. There are different types indicated by security levels. Level 1 makes ribbons too wide and coarse for this purpose. Level 3 and higher make confetti sized shredding, you don't want that.

What you need is a shredder of level 2. That makes fine ribbons perfect for packaging breakables. They are light weighted and fluffy, much friendlier than peanuts or bubble plastic. The shredder was about €40, and since than, every bit of paper gets repurposed :).

See more creative spaces at Our Creative Spaces.


  1. WOW, this Boat this really, really stunning!!!

  2. That is a great idea, I even own a shredder already.I think it looks fab as a packaging

  3. A great idea, really! Should think about a shredder not only in the context of shipping things, but also when moving...
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Love this idea, so eco-friendly and useful! I will consider purchasing one too!

  5. Love this idea, so eco-friendly and useful! I will consider purchasing one too!
