Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Moo Cards

I think we are one of the last people in the creative world who are giving mini Moo cards a try :)
They took me a good part of an entire day to make as I made 25 different compositions. We didn't want them to be very promotional but still representing our work. So I went for natural compositions, mostly with sea treasures we found on the beach.

The back side has a part of the Sea Fever peom written by John Masefield, with the very appropriate words:

I must go down to the seas again,
to the lonely sea and the sky.
And all I ask is a tall ship
and a star to steer her by...

With sea and star in it I loved it!

The fronts are with seashells, coral, beach pottery, stones, pebbles, starfishes, seahorse, sanddollars and more. They will be added randomly with sea themed purchases. Pictures of pictures are not very pretty they look really nice in real.


  1. Nice!I too made my moo cards with sea treasures mainly!AriadnefromGreece!

  2. Lovely! Filling me with summer thoughts...

  3. They look absolutely fabulous

  4. They look fantastic, I love them!!
