Friday, 26 September 2014

Private Paradise

Today we escaped work and daily life for a few hours by going to the beach.
Summer is still here, it is hot and dry we unfortunately had no Summer rain this year so everything starts to get very dry, the trees however are real troopers, still green.

The wild bushes and flowers are always one of my favorites. They don't look like anything special from far but once you get closer you see that a lot is going on, spiky, seeds or hairy, they all have character and lovely details.

Those little blue boxes are beehives, honey is the income here of many households and they are always painted in all kind of hues of blue, I wonder if this color has a technical benefit for the making of honey or that it is some kind of unsaid tradition.

I'm a little jealous of this boat, look at the view it has, lying on a green field near the beach with only the waves for sound, quite perfect.

Although some signs of life, we had the beach for ourselves, like a private little paradise. This here below is a little parking space for a fishers boat, very rustic and shabby but oh so adorable.

No sound, traffic and people only the sea and the sound of it was very soothing for us, a perfect escape and such a luxury to be able to do it whatever day we want.

These villagers live also perfect I must say, right on the beach, fish from the sea, veggies from their garden and honey from the bees, a rough but lovely life.

And the place for ourselves, with a whole load of beautiful driftwood to take home to make new home decor pieces, a bit of 'work' after all :)


  1. Lovely to live so close to nature!! Beautiful pics!

  2. Amazing post Estella! Beautiful place!

  3. Delightful escape day :D I wish I could have come, I need one ;-)
