Tuesday 19 March 2019

Tile Patterns

I love the artistry of Morrocan tiles, their shapes and patterns are amazing.

You'll be even more amazed by them when you see how much work they put into creating these tiles, please check the video, you'll never look at these tiles the same way.

Inspired by those tiles I wanted to create a mosaic of some of my Ebru (marbled papers) for our end of year exhibition, if you missed it I've been attending a course these past few months. I spray painted an IKEA box cardboard in gold and then glued my hand cute 'tiles' with Mod Podge. I love how it turned out! I did it in the size to fit an old frame that I found in our attic :)

I made another one which is more inspired by the grandmother's garden quilt pattern but looks a bit like tiles too. I do love the Morrocan tile inspired better but I'm happy with both. I used Ebru pieces of those that had mistakes so I cut from the imperfect ones.

It took way longer than anticipated, like always :) I'll be listing them at the shop after the exhibition.

And continuing the tile vibe, we made this smashing ottoman as well, love the outcome and it actually took less time than the paper mosaics :)

Some cool hair pin legs, MDF wood and a tile patterned fabric with fabric buttons to bring it all together.

It is soft, comfortable and colorful and pretty big with a width of 27 1/2'' (70 cm)! Available at StarHomeStudio.


  1. Beautiful mosaic pieces... I especially liked the one with Morrocan tiles shapes - so pretty! and the ottoman is so yummy and gorgeous! :D Love the vibrant colors and the modern touch of the steel legs.

  2. Your work is always great inspiration to me!

  3. I've always loved tiles. They were big in early 20th century in Belgium so in most houses there are still some of those gorgeous floors...but then they went out of fashion and got removed. Now they're trendy again and they cost an arm and a leg ><

  4. Gorgeous items with beautiful harmony and colors and I am also so impressed about how They create mosaics! Thanks for sharing!

  5. I saw this one on instagram and immediately showed it to my BF, I totally love that one! Probably one of my favorite of yours so far!!
