Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Sleepless nights...

Almost every night, I have problems to fall asleep...
I just do not want, or won't or can not sleep...

Ideas running through my head, memories, things to do, I wish there was a plug to shut off your head when it is time to sleep...

Often I start to read or draw, two nights ago I made a collage, just wanted to show you my very first collage made at 4 a.m.


  1. Ah yes the little off button would be great. I fall asleep rather fast but then awake again at 5 or so then the storm in the head starts...

  2. You work a lot, you deserve a good night sleep!

  3. I can definitely relate, I have been tossing and turning this week and I'm afraid I don't have any suggestions. Have you tried reading? (I may have to give that one a try!)

  4. Great collage!
    About the not sleeping problem - did you ever try autogenic training or something like that?

  5. Woww if it is the result of your sleepless nights you must have not to sleep every night!... LOL
    I have a similar problem... I have to fall asleep with the TV on... so sounds and words can stop my mull over!... a bad way to fall asleep I know, but the only way that works with me!

  6. This is an incredible collage! Nice work!

  7. Lovely collage, Star!! We are quite alike at this point - night owls :) Your post is my good good night reading ;)

  8. Camomille tea helps me when I having sleeping difficulties. Good to see that sleeplessness is getting great results though! :)
