Thursday, 3 September 2009

Our Creative Space...

This week's creative space is in the sewing room. We are having a break of jewelry making to keep creativity and motivation flowing, changing material from time to time is very refreshing. I always find it fascinating to see the weird unexpected stages a handmade product goes through, so I wanted to share that with you.

The past 3 days we have been busy with wall hangings for our giftshop, these where some of the procedures they went through. The finished results can be seen here.

You can see more workspaces at Kootoyoo's blog!
Message to Kirsty of Kootoyoo: After many many times of trying I gave up on commenting on your blog, I have no idea why but I can't comment or even see other's comments on your blog. If you have any tips, please let me know :)


  1. Wow, super! I love the coral like wall hanging! Great idea! :)

  2. wow, those wallhangings are so original! cool to see some steps of the process!

  3. Wow! They are really gorgeous! You two are real stars!

  4. It looks wonderful! It's great to try new things - I find it very inspiring too :) K

  5. Looks great, its always interesting to see how others work.

  6. very interesting post Estella, thanks a lot!
    (and more corals pls :-) )

  7. Changing up the medium is so good for the soul… you've inspired me to finish setting up my sun room/sewing room.


  8. It's great that you can change mediums and be creative in many areas. I love the seahorse wall hanging! :)

  9. What a neat idea for photos of the process!

  10. Oh no! I'm sorry about the commenting thing. Would you mind emailing me kootoyooblogATgmailDOTcom

    I do love that you're mixing things up to keep the creative juices flowing.

  11. Oh, those are lovely. I think I could use a change in medium as well. Thanks for sharing.

  12. the wall hangings are gorgeous! Really like the idea.

  13. I LOVE these embroidered wall hangings--you two are like a creative factory--you are so full of ideas, it's incredible!
