Saturday, 19 September 2009

What is this?

The other day when I was at our workingspace I felt something itching on my shoulder. When I looked I saw this tiny (1.5cm= 5/8'') neon green worm (Catepillar?). It was moving like crazy and super fast. Luckly camera was nearby, I took it on my finger to take a proper picture. In no time it moved from my pointing finger to my pinky, handpalm and up again towards my shoulder.

His/ her movements where hilarious.

Never have seen this kind of fun creature before, wonder how it ended up in our workspace.
After the pictures I've set her free between some lovely leaves...


  1. oh wow ..he's a cutie indeed, such a vibrant green color :)

    Nice to find little friends like these around.

  2. Wow, what a cool creature! I love her color! LOL :)
    I think it's a teeny tiny caterpillar! :)

  3. wow, how did you manage to take so light pictures !!! the color of the little caterpillar is amazing!

  4. Waaahhh!! What a funny little creature! :D Hehehe.. cute!

  5. oooooh, amazing pictures! I´m not big fan of bugs, but this one looks even cute!

  6. Oh, it's so cute...we used to call them inch worms when we were kids, and there was a song about them!

  7. Amazing shots Estella...and the worm is cute .... well, it wasnt on my shoulder :-)

  8. An inch worm I think...
    Great shot too!

  9. Cuuuute :))

    I remember finding little guys like that in my backyard when I was little


  10. It's... kinda cute... in the pictures :D I'd have some issues finding it on my shoulder, I'm afraid. But very, veyr pretty green !

  11. It is both a caterpillar and an inchworm. :-D It becomes a geometer moth.
    I used to see them once in a great while when I was growing up. Love the song "Inchworm" from Hans Christian Andersen too!

    You really got some great pics of him!

  12. What a cutie!! Cool pics too ;-)
    In Dutch it's called a spanrups -because of his discodancing way of walking- no idea what that woud be in English though..

  13. A beauty! Could it inspire you to make a new necklace?

  14. That is the cutest little creature I have ever seen! Great photos!

  15. Where I'm from we say that if you find an inch worm crawling on yourself it means you'll get new clothes soon. He's there to measure you! :-P
