Monday, 24 May 2010

Monday Moodboard

1. ingermaaike 2. tizzalicious 3. glamasaurus 4. martice

Two Monday Moodboards in a row, because some crazy hectic days came in between. After 2 weeks our house was dirty and a mess, luggage needed to be put in place, tons of laundry, 5 neglected online shops, paper work and 14 love-junky-doggies who missed us very much during our absence kept us busy. But beside that all, our arrival came with some technical problems as my laptop desided to go on strike and my mums was very relaxed so that a window opens in 10 minutes (she actually started with a crochet project to kill time while waiting).
So this was our reason for neglecting our blog. But my laptop is now like a teenage girl again, young and fresh (knocks on wood) and mums will have a make-over too, very soon :)
So our absence is over and we are now finally back, for real, I hope!

See more moodboards at FleurFatale's blog!


  1. and certainly with a lot of fresh inspiration !

  2. Lovely sleeve for a teenage laptop! Have a great week!

  3. Lovely, very colourful and original :)

  4. So cool items!!! geeky, with style ;)

  5. Lovely moodboard. Welcome back :)

  6. Such a hassle to get back on track after being away! Wonderful picks in your moodboard, and happy you've got it all sorted again! :)

  7. Nice to have you two girls back!!!
    We missed you!
    I hope your trip to Amsterdam was good! I saw some pics in someone blog ( ??? MArtice??? )

  8. oooh, I hope you can have a rest now after feeding everyone, the laundry, and curing your laptop!

  9. Sounds like you had a busy time after you arrived home. Maybe a vacation after the vacation would be needed ;)
    Fingers crossed that the laptop works like it should for now.

    Very nice moodboard!

  10. Hope everything is sorted out now and thanks for including my bugs in your moodboard.

  11. Wonderful mood! Love little bugs :)

  12. I am a new follower & inspired by your fantastic interview on Etsy, I have given my Etsy shop of vintage an injection of fresh energy. Live on female energy - you are both an inspiration.

  13. Lovely colors and cute picks!

  14. gha! that social mention is cool! Thank you :)
