Thursday, 30 June 2011

Our Creative Space...

Mum has been busy with another way of manupulating fabric.

Cut, fold and iron, cut fold and iron, and that dozens of time, would be better in winter time to warm up :)

When one row is finished everything gets stiched up to secure it, before starting on a new row.

But the result is wonderful!

The Mermaids Tail Bag is slowly getting in to shape, just a few finishing touches left before it will be up and running in our bagshop.

See more creative spaces at Our Creative Spaces.


  1. Great! This looks like scales!

  2. wow, gorgeous !!! I admire Esther's patience :)

  3. The work is definitely worthwhile - looks fabulous, and so effective :-)

  4. So funny, before I got to the mermaid's tale comment, that's exactly what ran through my head - this would look great as a mermaid's tale. Love it:) Cyndy

  5. Impressive work! I'm always amazed by all the skills you have :)

  6. The result is beautiful! I love these fabric projects of yours that play with different textures. :)

  7. Looks gorgeous! A bit like a fish... and the color is beautiful as well.

  8. I want to try this! Lovely. :)

  9. Great idea ! Can I use it ? I will be just for myself
