Thursday, 28 July 2011

Our Creative Space...

Mariposa : Any insect of the family lepidoptera.
This is all the information to be had about butterflies in this spanish encyclopedie from 1934. But what it lacks in the info department is made good by this beautiful litho.
It was all we needed for our new project involving old silverware that may be from 1934 as well!

Wire, lace, gauze and old findings put together will give us some very special lepidoptera indeed...

The old silverware have amazing details. We'll show you the end results soon!

See more creative spaces at Our Creative Spaces.


  1. Hehehe, old ecyclopedias are fun!.. and even more when they are spanish.. sometimes you find some things.... hehe..Interesting though there is so few info on Mariposas.. and even more interesting that the first name in the legend in the image is precisely my name (Scientific name) ;) (Ojo de Pavo Real(Vanesa.... ) -Eye of Peacock) :D Your project looks amazing.. can't wait to see it fully developed :)

  2. What a great idea to do this with silverware !!!! Can't wait to see the end products :)

  3. Looks gorgeous and very intriguing!!!

  4. That looks like it's going to be something very special!

  5. This is so beautiful, I cannot wait. Ingenious. -Marlene

  6. Nefis olmuşlar:) Tebrikler.

  7. So creative. I love how the spoon matches the theme of each butterfly. The silk roses are spectacular!
