Monday, 6 November 2017

Zero Waste, Lots of Pretty

We finally finished these cushions we have planned and been making for a while.
Just like this bag and this ottoman these are made with upcycled fabric strips, knitted into fabric.

They get a pretty texture and blending of color like some kind of abstract painting.

The backside is made with patchworked fabric, pieces of fabrics taken from catalogs, the buttons are made of the same fabric. Making these cushions completely zero waste and very eco friendly, not to mention very pretty :)

We keep knitting these fabrics to re use them and to shrink our stash of rags, but it doesn't seem to get less at all :)

We can make them in other colors or different sizes.

Available at StarHomeStudio.


  1. these look absolutely awesome! very artsy indeed! love that they're upcycled as well :)

  2. This is great for a Christmas gift

  3. Ohhh! the green and blue one is like a modern painting!!

  4. Love these designs, since they are made from materials with a hystory, the pillow cases seem friendlier and more familiar, these would be great as a housewarming gift, helping trasnform a house into a home.

  5. The details are so lovely like the buttons! Great.

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