Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Introducing: Ufo

Ufo is Daisy's son, born on April 6, 2003, in my bed. He is about three times the size of his mum, though.
Despite his good start in life, and the fact that he hasn't known any hardship, Ufo is not a cheerful boy. He seems overwhelmed and worried all the time.
All dogs smile, you know, that silly grin with floppy lips, but Ufo very, very seldom does. A very serious young man, or maybe when you are a king size softie you have to keep your distance to be taken seriously, who knows.

Ufo is madly in love with Elsie, our little black terrier with an attitude, but she is merciless. That does not help his humor either. Oh, and he is terrified of storms and hates Ideefix, an other tiny terrier.
So funny how the dogs have their sympaties and antipaties within the group, and how the groups dynamics change with every newcomer. We knew nothing about dogs when we started taking them in, but since than, we have read a lot and observed a great lot and is amazing how 'human' dogs are. Much more tolerant and community oriented than humans, though. And female friendlier, too :)

Here he is, trimmed but still overwhelmed by life. We have earlier blogged about Ufo, here.
Next week you'll meet Ufo's brother, Leo.


  1. AWWW!
    A cute sad guy ...
    Give him a cuddle from me :)

  2. oooo poooor UFO he is wonderful ...

    I love that he is overwhelmed by life

    what a beautiful spirit

  3. Ohhh bless his little heart, he is precious! Take good care of him, the poor little worried boy!

  4. ooh, he is adorable, I don't think he is sad, I think he is just pretending so he can get his way.
    (I couldn't bear it if I knew that he was really sad).

  5. Awww, what a sweetie! That second photo is so adorable, you just want to give him a hug to cheer him up. ;)

  6. ohoooo Ufo, zo zielig... (althans hij kijkt zielig), en geschoren kijkt hij nog zieliger ....

  7. He seems so troubled indeed....Is he winking all the time and working with his eyes too? Does he like it to be sad perhaps? Like a moody melanchology....
    I am sure he has some wonderful ideas in his mind, his troubled worried mind....I love UFO.

  8. Is Dindi right? I read her comment after writing mine. Is he getting his way?! ;-)

  9. Oh I LOVE sweet-eyed Ufo, such a sweet melancholy boy, and overwhelmed by life - that's so cute! I just can't help falling in love with guys like this - both 4 and 2-legged :) LOL!

  10. Awww...what a cutie! We have a brussels griffon who is usually pretty reserved... they all have different personalities.

  11. Nancy and Dindi:

    No, it is not to get his way, he is not spoiled or manipulative, he is just, if not really sad, than aloof and gloomy, like the men in old black and white movies, you know

  12. Nancy and Dindi:

    No, it is not to get his way, he is not spoiled or manipulative, he is just, if not really sad, than aloof and gloomy, like the men in old black and white movies, you know

  13. oh my god....it must be a great poet 'trapped' (or blessed to be in) a dog's body!
