Thursday 11 November 2010

Our Creative Space...

Our little shell lab is full of goodies these days. We are stocking up for busy times, and I just love the look of all those little bottles together.

After filling up the bottles with shells we close them with beautiful beadcaps, folded around the bottle. Chains and clasps and here you have a necklace with sea treasures.

This little cabinet used to be a hospital cabinet, you know those that have a table that can move above the bed etc. We have used it a long time as it originally was, but now it is revamped into a little photo studio. All things required for picture taking is in it, and the cabinet has weels so can be moved to the perfect spot with good light. It looks a little like a curiousity cabinet with all the sea finds inside it.

You can see more workspaces at Kootoyoo's blog!


  1. I love cabinet of curiosities, yours is a marvel!

  2. I love your ocean installations ...


  3. That's a great idea, having everything in place AND on wheels! Very practical!

    The tiny bottles are so cute!

  4. love all of this, and especially appreciate this treasuries from the sea as living on the seashore myself !

  5. WOw Estella, looks great!! I love these little bottles filled with sea treasuries!!
    And your cabinet it great very inventive !!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi, you make such wonderful things. I follow you on my google reader. I don't know if that shows up at your end as a follower. The clasps you are using are very interesting I haven't seen them before. They look like they would work well in felting. Could you tell me the name of them or where to get them and the tool to close them? I hope that's not to forward. If you do not wish to revile you supplier I understand.
    sorry if this is a double post. It didn't seem to work the first time.

  8. Hello! Nice to meet you again with the My Creative Space! You have collected wonderful things! So lovely photos!
    Wishes from Crete!

  9. Love your images and it is so interesting to see your clever mobile photo gallery.

  10. Shepherdess:

    Please contact us via email (see profile).

  11. star-of-the-east(at)hotmail(dot)com

    it is also available in our blogger profile.

  12. Uh, If I could just put my hands on them!
