Thursday, 4 November 2010

Our Creative Space...

I'm veryyy glad and relieved to anounce that I've finished the embroidery part of the table cloth! I actually worked on it 6 hours non stop yesterday just so that I could show you this :) Speaking of getting motivated by a blog!

It will go to the dry cleaner today so that it gets nice and clean, before we make the border. Hopefully I can show off a nice finished table cloth next week :)

Another milestone, we reached 2000 sales on Etsy, so proud of that too! We are greatful for each and everyone, thank you for all your support these past years!

We are also ready for Christmas! As shipping takes about 15 days overseas, not much time for shopping left! We re adding these super adorable trees in our Giftshop.

You can see more workspaces at Kootoyoo's blog!


  1. What an admirable embroderiwork.Big cngrats to the 2000 sales, well deserved.

  2. Woot woot for the 2000 sales !

    And congrats on finishing the table cloth. It looks amazing :)

  3. Gorgeous tablecloth, and what a work that must have been.
    Congrats with the amount of sales!

  4. Congrats, you are Stars indeed!
    and the tablecloth is amazing!

  5. ohh star you are real artist.. congratsss

  6. Estella congrats for 2000 sales and table cloth fowers colors is beautiful !

  7. ohhhh that table cloth came out gorgeous !!! Congratulations. And I love your Xmas trees.

  8. gorgeous trees! Love the tablecloth! and congrats on the milestone!!! Awesome!

  9. Great work!

    Congrats to the 2000 sales!

  10. Oh, embroidery is such time consuming method. I envy your patience.

    Congrats on your 2000 sales, awesomeness!

  11. You make so amazing and wonderful things! Congratulaitons! I have visited your shop and told everyone about your lovely creations!
    Best Wishes from Crete!

  12. I admire your patience! And congrats on sales! Great milestone :)

  13. Oh wow where to start...
    CONGRATS on the Sales!!!!
    That table cloth looks so Beautiful and as you know I am totally in love with your trees :)

  14. Wow, congrats on both the sales and on finishing the tablecloth! Both are very impressive. :)

  15. woow, double congrats!!
    amazing work with the embroidery and also with the 2000 sales!

  16. You´ve done it! Great work! Congratulations!

  17. Wow Star! You are one talented young lady! And congrats for your 2000 sales:) That's a stunning numbers!

  18. What an impressive post! 2000 sales! The beautiful embroidery! The Christmastrees! Lovely, thanks for sharing and congratz with everything.

  19. Just outstanding...and yeah for you. that is a big job and many many artisans have projects like your tablecloth in their cupboards to be finished at some later date.. ask me how I know..:-) lovely work!


  20. gefeliciteerd met jullie 2000 sales!! wat een mijlpaal. Het teaflkleed is ook een echt kunstwerk. dat ga je toch zeker niet verkopen?!!

    Alvast prettig weekend!!!

  21. amazing piece of work! lovely to see it finished. and congrats on your sales figure, brilliant!
    love your christmas pieces :)

  22. Wow! Congratulations Estella for this master piece! and Yay!!! for the sales!!!!!
