Thursday, 18 November 2010

Our Creative Space...

Mum purchased these doilies about 15-17 years ago in Amsterdam, together with many more vintage doilies. We haven't used any of them yet. But these blue ones have been waiting to be used for 10 years for my infamous table cloth.

I purchased the embroidery thread according to these doilies, so that everything would match nicely. And now finally the end is in sight, the tablecloth and doilies will be united and hopefully live happily ever after :) Hopefully next week, if not too much things come in between, you will see the finished result, after we have made it round and figured out how to fit the doilies on the border.

This picture is for those who think that sewing is not a sport. Here you see me finishing a tote, in a weird position.

But all is well, when it ends well. And this tote ended lovely, as you can see here.

You can see more workspaces at Kootoyoo's blog!


  1. the doilies is a great idea !! Curious how you will make the border.

  2. Oh, mine!
    What a job! But it looks so beautiful already!
    Worth it for sure!!!

  3. Gorgeous! I´m looking forward to see it finished!

  4. Great job girls!! Thank you once again for showing what HANDMADE means... LOTS of love and hard work :)!

  5. Wow! Those materials are gorgeous, and I just love that bag!!!

  6. That's gonna be such a magnificent tablecloth girls!! Well done :-D
    And the new bag is super cute too :-)

  7. Oh how nice !! do you know what I was thinking seeing teh first picture??? They are super to use sugarwater and make little bowls of them by hanging them over an upside down turned bowl :)
    Your table cloths wil, be super!

  8. Oh that tablecloth is just superb! I hope you have a table to go with it!
    I do! :)

  9. These doilies are amazingly beautiful! Your embroidered design is just perfect :)

  10. A lovely idea to use those doillies in that way and the tote bag is great too!
