Monday, 28 September 2015

Reviving Creative Juices

It has been 5 years since I last painted a painting. Lack of time is of course a good excuse, but what really stopped me is lack of space. All my walls are full of paintings and then I have some who never seen a wall and are just waiting to be seen.

As all my walls are full I fall asleep every night with them in sight, which always makes me itch to start painting again.

I am now slowly reorganizing my little house and am going to make the time and space to start painting again as I enjoyed it so much, and we all can use some extra joy in our life's.

Apologies for the crooked hanging paintings, I will be changing the composition of the paintings soon and will hang them all straight!

I will slowly un-dust my brushes and paints and get going, starting is half the work, I need to make that jump!

As for making space I decided to sell a few of my paintings, with some I am not ready to part (yet), and for now there are only two in the shop but I will be listing more the coming days, so check out the paintings section in our decor shop if you are interested.

I started with some vibrant geometric ones, some portraits will follow soon!


  1. Your such a talented person. I didn't know that you paint too! I love the geometric paintings!

  2. Love the last painting! And girls you make want to start paint again! Thanks for a kick!

  3. yes! I very much like your paintings :)
    glad you are starting to paint again :)
    and all the best selling them ^^

  4. I love your style and colors. I used to paint too...but I have never been much a keeper of the things I make (so my paintings were probably a lot less nice than what I remember).

  5. Love the paintings, very colourful and inspirational. Good luck with the selling!

  6. I'm overwhelmed! Your paintings are so awesome and you're such a talented person!

  7. Estella, you are so talented! You are my hero!

  8. Wonderful paintings! The geometric one with triangles, I think looks like stained glass!

  9. Ah, love to see these, another hidden part reveals itself :-)
    That Mona-Lisa gave me the giggles!
    Hope you'll sell and will get a boost to spent more time painting!

  10. I love your style and the colorfulness of your paintings!

  11. Estella, you are a woman of many talents! Beautiful paintings, a change in routines is a good thing so I look forward to seeing your new works of art!
