Monday, 14 December 2015

The Sky is the Limit

I've finally finished a project that has been hanging around for ages. A little landscape in a shadowbox made with driftwood and boat wood.
I kept it pretty primitive giving it something naive like a kid's drawing.

Due to the little clouds I think it looks great with our bigger driftwood clouds, and somehow in my opinion, this combination would look great in a nursery and/ or kid's room. They are both available in our decor shop.
I then thought it would be fun to check out nursery clouds on Pinterest, and found out that I am not the only one who thinks that clouds look great in children's rooms.

These cloud shelves are adorable and are IKEA hacks, who doesn't love those :) As seen at limmaland.

I love this modern looking nursery, eventually it are the parents who have to enjoy nursery's the most, baby's don't really have any decoration opinions :) Found on Sklardesign. I actually would love a ceiling like this for my own bedroom too!

Cloudy walls made with handmade stencils are a wonderful idea, as seen in mermagblog.

I love this adorable corner with clouds, cheerful raindrops and rainbow buttons on the chair! So cute yet neutral gender made which I love. Source hypeness.

A cozy reading corner with plush clouds from projectnursery.

I guess clouds are, in some way, a cute way to say 'The sky's the limit' to kids :)


  1. So beautiful, Estella! Love your clouds so much!!!

  2. It is so cute and pretty! And I think clouds make perfect home decor too!

  3. This is so cute. Love your cloud choices.

  4. Cute ideas! I love the cloud lamps and also your little decor! I see it in a mediteraneean children room!
