Monday, 10 July 2017

From Wood to Furniture

I showed some pretty embroideries last time as a tiny sneak peak on the furniture piece that we were working on. Now it is time to show it all :)

Chairs are basically pieces of wood put together, without upholstery they are pretty ugly, the more they ar re-upholstered the more history you'll see. This one had still its original upholstery which was some weird green stuff that was falling apart, I unfortunately thought I had taken a picture for the before but found out too late that I had not...

After removing ugly brown paint and painting it black it needed new webbing and new foam before starting to make it pretty.

Funny enough it became green again, but a very different green than the original upholstery.

These geometric shapes are not fabric as you might rightfully think! It is done like tapestry knot by knot, a crazy amount of work and the fabric is in fact white which you do not see at all do to the embroidery work, I don't think you can have anyone have something like this made these days.

The staples at the front I covered with fabric covered wood cut to shape.

I usually sew the back fabrics sides by hand, so that you do not see anything, this times I used nails for a different finishing and as a bonus it went much quicker than sewing by hand.

The back, all ready :)

I just love how colorful and vibrant it turned out and I used the same nails at the front to cover the staples near the wooden feet.

Beside the green fabric and foam everything used had a previous life, which I always find satisfying.

The side flowers are also vintage embroidery, because a chair should be pretty from every side :)

This chair is available at StarHomeStudio among other handmade furniture.


  1. Such a fun chair! Love the vibrant colors, it looks aazing! Always cool to see you turn old into something new.

  2. I love how the vibrant colors look together with the green fabric! Great work!

  3. Simply amazes me how well 'crafted' your are able to upgrade furniture! beautiful put together and love the embroideries that you picked out. It fits very well with the green velvet!

  4. Such an amazing job! Estella, it's amazing!!! The colours and how it has been restored with the new fabric! Love it!

  5. Extremely beautiful chair! Love the color combination and the floral details! The pieces of furniture what you create are true perfection! Greetings from Bulgaria! :)

  6. Great final result! Love how you match different patterns!

  7. I like it when you show the process. Not enough photo before and after together. And I also think about how to pack for the shipping company?

  8. Just love this chair, especially the attention given to detail!

  9. This is magnificent. Truly beautiful upcycle.
