Thursday, 7 May 2009


Whoever says that cooking is not dangerous, don't trust them, ever...

This happened on monday, while baking. The kitchen is a very VERY dangerous place...


  1. well, star the bad news is you got burnt! The good news is those spots will gone without trace methink! Next time be more careful young lady:)

  2. ohmy... next time, just order take out! i hope it heals well, star.

  3. Wow, it almost got in your eyes. I hope it doesn't hurt too much, burns are the worst :(

  4. Auwwwwch, and the one on your eye, that is such tender skin. ((((Big hug))))

  5. poor girl..!!! time cook with a helmet...:)

    happened to me also ... frying squibs...but my face saved...only hands and clothes..:)

  6. OMG!That must be hurting a lot!(especially close to the eye)
    But I thought it happened while frying...looks like oil jumped while very hot..
    I hope you'll recover soon...

  7. oh, I am so sorry, what happend? hot oil, or what? did you put something on your skin?

  8. Oh Estella geçmiş olsun:( I'm so sorry for this happened to you! Kızartma yaparken mi oldu bu? Sana nazar mı değdi yoksa canım benim:(

  9. Raf: indeed it was hot oil!

    Meltem: kesinlikle nazar :(

  10. I'm so sorry for your accident. Take care, I'm wishing a speedy recovery. Hugs!


  11. I believe you--I did that to my arm a year ago, and today I forgot to turn the stove off while cooking polenta...a black-bottomed pan! Get well, soon!

  12. Oh poor Star! There is nothing worse than a burn, ouch!

  13. So sorry that this happened. Hope they are healing quickly and they are not too painful. I am sure in no time they will disappear. Get well soon!

  14. cooking is definitely dangerous. Order take-out is much safer.. Or I just make my boyfriend cook for me :o)

  15. holy moly! hot oil! looks scary! Next time; stay far from the kitchen :)

  16. oh my dear!!! it's incredible what happened to you!... fortunately your eyes are safe!... I hope your face will look soon beaming again!!!

  17. ouch ....

    poverina ... nasty thing to happen ...
    nearly makes me think full face masks for the kitchen !!!

    get well soon i hope you have lots of aloe vera growing there !!!

    poor little star ...


  18. Ouch - that looks painful! I hope that they clear up well!

  19. It looks like there is no permanent damage to your eyes - thank goodness!

    Get healed soon, Star.

  20. ouch! Hope it will heal soon. Hugs!

  21. arf...
    I TOLD you not to drink vodka while baking!! But you never hear me!!


  22. I hope it heals soon!! While they are not the nicest looking 'spots' at the moment they look like they'll go away and leave you unmarked .. you are very fortunate that it didn't go in your eye!!

    Hugs and lots of healing to you:-)

  23. all well soon but warning stay out of the kitchen ...find a man to do that advice to you ..hugs!

  24. all well soon but warning stay out of the kitchen ...find a man to do that advice to you ..hugs!

  25. oh, dear, that must have been painful!!! I am so glad your eyes didn't get injured. I hope you will heal up nicely, you have such a lovely face!
    ~healing hugs from Emily xo

  26. Ouch! Hugs to u! Lavender essential oil helps to heal. I had a scorch on my hand from the hot water once, (I didn't know what I did while pouring some hot water). O God! It was sooooo painful! I screamed! My mum quickly sprayed some cooling for scorching and I poured lots of lavender essential oil. Thank God! I didn't get blisters. : ) It's scary though!

  27. Aww, hope it will heal well & that you are not in too much pain anymore!

  28. ohh honey I am so sad I just saw that terrible accident
    4-5 years ago I burned my leg with one glass of boiled water :( I can understand how much you hurt :(

  29. oh my golly, estella, i hope those burns will go away without a trace. please take care, dear!

  30. Canım cok gecmis olsun. Gorulmez kaza. Bu yaz suratini hep gunesten koru. Hic yanmasin iste o zaman esas iz kalir. Marmariste de gunesten nasil kacilir biilemiyorum.

    Get well Soon

  31. Ooohhh, you poor thing, Star! Hugs and lots of healing vibes to you :)

  32. oh you poor thing! i hope you recover quickly!
