Tuesday 12 May 2009

Flickr Favorites and Good News

Mitsy of ArtMind continues the fun, every week their will be a game by posting a mosaic of your favorites of Flickr on your blog and Flickr page. Here is my mosaic, if you would like to see more mosaics or join the fun, check Mitsy's blog!

And the good news is, your healing vibes helped! After the little accident of last week I'm almost back to normal, thank you for your kind words!


  1. beautiful fragile collection and your skin looks beautiful too, unbelievable that the spots are gone so fast!!

  2. wonderful mosaic .. very calm and pretty .

    Your face has healed amazingly well .. looks perfect to me :-)

  3. Haha, I am glad I didn't post my first mosaic as it had the same colorscheme as yours! So yes, I love it! :)
    And how great that your face healed so well! Looking good again! :)

  4. Ahhh back to your pretty self again!

    beautiful selection for the mosaic :-D

  5. good to see your face back to normal again !

  6. nice to see you recover well star! And that's interesting pick from flickr!

  7. I love your picks!
    So smooooooooth!
    And you look smooth too, glad to know you're better Estella! *hugs*

  8. you look like if nothing had happened! your healing system works very well! :-)

    beautiful mosaic...king of ethereal..

  9. Those are flickr beauties! I esp. love the drawings...and your face looks better! You are very photogenic!

  10. Good to hear you're feeling better now, the accident sounded scary. Looks like your flickr collection reflects your feelings of relief right now:)


  11. So happy you are better!!!

    And beautiful mosaic :)

  12. Great to see that your face is back to normal and ot leaving any marks!

  13. happy to see your beautiful face again honey

  14. o im so glad !!!! what a nasty accident

    makes me want to buy a mask immediately
    im a disaster in the kitchen


  15. Good to hear the spots are gone (yep, I searched back to see what happened.

    Did like you with spots too, though ;)

  16. I am glad you are feeling better and looking beautiful!
