Saturday, 30 May 2009

Little Sister: Collections

Don't we all love to collect 'things' during the years? Beside the regular things as stamps and foreign money there are many with interesting collections. Mum and I are both collectors of all kind of things, mums latest passion is vintage French beaded flowers. The old ones are so fine and sweet. I would love to see one of your collections! Send me a picture through Etsy's conversations or email with your story about how it started or whatever you would like to tell about your collection!

PetitPlat: ''I started a tiny bjd (ball-joinded-doll) collection. I only have two right now, but I guess there will be more. They are quite expensive so I won't have 50 but 10 is possible lol! Here are my current two: Eleonore is the white skinned, a pukipuki lily from fairyland. Alice is the tanned girl a lati white sp gloomy from latidolls.'' You can see them having a lovely breakfast, made by PetitPlat herself:

Kreativlink: ''The most important things I collect are experiences and memories. Yeah - maybe that sounds a bit sniffy but, it’s the truth. Wonderful things I collect in my head. Just for me. Ha! But - the other things I collect are books. It’s not so much that I collect them, they just pile up here in the house. They are everywhere. In the living room, on the stairs, in the bedroom, in the bathroom (yes!)… but the biggest piles are in that little guestroom upstairs. No more emtpy shelves to fill. I think, soon we’ll really have a problem …''

ArtMind: ''I have a lot of stuff but I don't really collect anything franticly.What I've been buying lots of lately is yarn! :)''

SwiedeBie: ''I have the main CD-Rom back in 2004, and have a growing number of extension packs (which most are left in Singapore), these that I have now are the most commonly played ones by me. I am still investing in more extension packs for my Sim. As it may seem like a childish collection, but the total graphical simulations never fails to amaze child within any adult. As you can see my interest and love for designing, building, construction, manipulating and executing the way my Sims will want to live their lives. I will pass on this game knowledge to my daughter when she is older, oh well, of course I have to wait 9 more years for that... You never know...''

Kraplap: ''I am a real collector from almost everything, so it's a bit difficult to choose... But the most striking part to be seen in our house are the traditional costume prints that hang everywhere. The picture shows the wall along the stairs. It's part of my traditional costume collection on stamps, coins, postcards, and also books about ir, and costume parts like hats, skirts, jewelry etc....''

LaTouchables: ''I love to collect books and strange art objects--a skull from a cow (I think of it as art), a gold-leaf-painted box from Mexico, and this enameled silver and copper brooch from my old metalsmithing teacher. I love very few possessions, but the few I have are of significant sentimental weight. But I always keep in mind that I may lose them, and if so, I would be able to live without.''

Vadjutka: ''I „collect” two things – this means that if I have a chance I buy them, but I do not search them all the time.
-Glass! I love vintage and/or colorful glasses. I collected quite a few throughout the years. I store them on my bookshelf: most of them are from the flea market in Budapest, but I have a few from Japan and Macau.

-Jewelry! I love traditional folk art jewelry and I always buy something when I am abroad – and I also get them as gifts.
Ont he picture: Seed necklace from the Caribbean sea, Necklace made of African pressed beads (the pink one), Carved bone bead necklace with Buddhas from Tibet (in themiddle), Plastic necklace from Paris (black-orange one), Belt embellishment from Turkey (hanging on a string), Earrings from Tibet, Necklace from Afganistan (at the bottom).

IngerMaaike: ''I collect but one thing and that is life. Every day one day more in my collection of unique, happy, intriguing, exasperating, wonderful life.''

TortillaGirl: ''I collect many things but the one that I cherish the most is my rosary collection. I am a practicing Catholic and I pray the rosary so it has significance for me, but I also appreciate rosary beads for their handmade beauty which is why I am always on the lookout for a new rosary to add to my collection.''

RavenHill: ''My husband laughs at me as I am always collecting things. My present passion is threads of all kinds for embroidery. I am just dreaming of finding time to use them all!''

Vilte: ''I don't collect something on purpose, but when thinking about this subject I just had to admit I have a habit of collecting stones everywhere and bringing it home. If I am travelling somewhere or just going sight seeing, I usually pick up stones I like. We have found some bigger stones in the land we are building our house (1st and 4th photo), I also want to make a stone river on the land there. Our table with glass top is all filled with stones from Lithuanian and Italian coast lines (3d photo). And I have stones put in decorative vessels everywhere in our home (these are stones from Tuscany in Italy on the 2nd photo).!!''

Meltemsem: 'I recently started a bell collection, it started when I heard that bells bring luck. I try to buy an interesting bell in every country I go, for now there are 6 of them.'

Alatvian: "I collect almost nothing since I lost everything when our house burned down and I realized that I don't need most of the things I had collected. But it is difficult for me to throw away the school-reports, awards of my children and gifts made by them. So one may say I am collecting them. :D"

DeerLola: ''I'm not really the type to collect stuff (unless boots count ? ;) but was thinking of items we have in or around the house in high(er) numbers. That's when I realized, and quickly noticed sitting out on our terrace today, we are the only ones in our street with half a forest in our backyard. We don't have a lawn or a nicely landscaped garden, we have trees. Lots of them. We love them. They offer protection and shade and provide housing to the birds and numerous squirrels. Unfortunately, trees have become something of a rarity in our neighborhood since people prefer grass over trees. And that's okay. But we love trees. I once read somewhere that one mature tree produces as much oxygen in a season as 10 people inhale in a year… So there you go. We're very proud of our collection.''

Martice: ''I was thinking of things that I collect, and I actually think that I don't collect anything...BUT I have some things that are present in our house in more then average numbers. ;-)I can take a few things (partly) on my account. The green stuff on the balcony is very addictive... especially when you use your own seeds! And well, the yarns don't need any explanation. Then the books... this picture captures only a part of the collection... :S I dream of a in-house-library with library stairs etc etc etc... maybe one day? And last but not least: my pictures! I like to fill walls with pictures in different frames.''


  1. Well, I started a tiny bjd collection.
    I only have two right now, but I guess there will be more. They quite expensive so I won't have 50 but 10 is possible lol!
    Here are my current two:

    Eleonore is the white skinned, a pukipuki lily from fairyland. Alice is the tanned girl a lati white sp gloomy from latidolls.

  2. Hehe, what a super collection... they looks great!

  3. Cute set! Good luck with your collection! Hope you'll find cute new dolls at a reasonable price! ;D

  4. I love this! The flowers are so pretty!!!
    ~Emily xx

  5. Look forward to see more collections! :)

  6. I have a lot of stuff but I don't really collect anything franticly.
    What I've been buying lots of lately is yarn! :)

  7. Very interesting and love to see what other artists collect. :)

  8. ...& I am waiting for The Sims 3 to be launched. LOL*
    runs and hide...

  9. Yet another fun post in this series.
    Swie, I love computer games too...also the Sims...such fun. I can't seem to find time for it these days though.

  10. I like the Sims as well :D

    And yeah like ArtMind I've got some supply collection as well :D

    And books! Yay!

  11. oh very cool! I have a collection of all Metal Gear Solid Series (hehe, weird, I know...).I´ll take pics tomorrow!

  12. wow another great blog !!! love Inger's life collection !!!!!!!
    like a bit of tangential thinking


  13. ...collecting life...sounds great!

  14. Great post! I am a bit of a minimalist so it is hard for me to collect can usually find me collecting things to get rid of. he he
    But I do collect art. I have work in my home that is a collection of paintings and sculptures from my friends, nephews, Etsy artists and other artist I have discovered. I also have a large collection of my own art! See Oh yes, I also have a large collection of Pesky Cat Designs handbags. ha

  15. It is wonderful to see what everyone collects and how they collect :-D

  16. There is so much fun here again:) Everybody collects something! I'm collecting mini bells arond the world!

  17. wonderful collections! myself it's teacups... I'll have to find a photo

  18. Great idea! I wrote something about my collections on: (picture included)

    Thank you for the treasury btw! :-)
