Thursday, 16 August 2018

Get The Look Vol.11

I think part of the plant fun are the pots they are in. Love a nice group of plants. And if you'd like a big pot the one below is from our shop a real old beauty.

I'm not a fan of hunting, but back in the day when there were no supermarkets it was a necessity and the bow and arrow was one of the tools used for hunting. I do love the various shapes they come in. Ours is very primitive and entirely hand carved.

I love dainty modern metal furniture, the of west elm are cool, and ours is maybe even cooler :)

A cabinet of curiosities is not everyone's cup of tea, but I do love prettily arranged (cruelty free) bookshelves with some natural biology in the mix. Our tortoise shell is naturally found in the mountains, we hardly have squirrels but we have tons of tortoises rooming around the forests here.


  1. Very cool "get the look" series! love all that decor!
    and your chair is amazing!

  2. Very stylish! Not really my style except for your chair ;)
